Monday, March 05, 2007

FW: Game next Sunday, festival availability etc

Hi everyone,

Evening training starts again this Wednesday 7th March at 18:45. This
obviously depends on the weather - I'll leave a message on voicemail and the
blog and send out an email if it is cancelled.

We play Marlow at home on Sunday. Please be there at 9:50 for registration.

Please can I have two volunteers to help with parking (9am at the clubhouse,
till 10:15-ish, as info for those who have never helped before).

In view of the weather please check the voicemail message on Wednesday pm
and next Saturday (or Sunday). I update the message as soon as I have
concrete info, so sometimes it might be 8:30-ish on a Sunday before the
message is up to date. You can always phone me if you want to confirm
before this time (but be reasonable - I might not be up much before 7:30)

Voicemail: 0870 9009014 and follow instructions to hear any messages. The
code for our squad is 09


I've had confirmation from most of you about availability for festivals -
please can you just check the below to ensure I've got it correct. I've got
lots of smudged ink and crinkly bits of paper after trying to write
everything down yesterday in the pouring rain:

15th April
Giles; Cameron McGeoch; George; Sam Peddie; Robin; Blake; Jonathan; Fergus;
Mikey; Dominic; Elliott; Rian; Connor; Corey; Charlie

22nd April
Giles; Cameron McGeoch; Sam Peddie; George; Blake; Robin; Jonathan; Fergus;
Mikey; Sam Lenselink; Elliott; Dominic; Corey; Rian; Connor; Charlie

Don't knows
Cameron Lowden; Adam; Ben E and Ben L; Harry; James; Josh; Tom Porter; Tom

Each child will have to pay £6.00 to play, whether playing in the
development festival or the A festival on 22nd. I've had money for:

Charlie, Rian, Corey, Cameron M.

Please can the rest of you let me have your money asap. I'll reimburse if
the need arises.

I've had offers of help from a few of you for the 15th April, but am still
in need of: a second touch judge, 3 pitch marshals, 2 car park helpers, a
collector of litter, and someone to help with squad liaison.

Thanks everyone - and thanks for help, coaching and players yesterday who
stuck it out in the pouring rain.

I'll see you on Sunday if not before,


01252 871215
07899 671749


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