Sunday, March 04, 2007

Tri-nations (of sorts), festivals, time-keeping, and mid-week training....

We played some great rugby last week against Maidenhead and Basingstoke in the mini-triangular tournament over in Maidenhead. It was good to get some high quality match practice against some serious opposition; however I think all the Camberley coaches agreed at the end that it would have been good to have done some skills / development work too, as opposed to just matches. Both A's and B's competed well, and our development continues.....

It was a shame the club decided to cancel Windsor today (4th) but understandable. Can I however say a huge thanks to the parents and kids who turned up to play today in the miserable conditions (who said spring is coming!). It shows true commitment to turn up and play in situations like this, and it is always noted.... I think we had a good session in the end - it wasn't pretty (see photo), but if you watch any senior match in these conditions, the game changes completely, at all levels and age groups, and it can be a real hard graft, "stick it up your jumper" effort, with little flow or pace. But here's the reality check - they will play games like that EVERY SEASON so best get used to it!

I made a couple of points at the end of the session, which I want to reiterate here, for those who didn't attend.

1) Time-keeping. I know we all have those Sunday mornings where you wonder why you opened that last bottle on the Sat night, but pls pls can you try and get down the club for 9.55am for registration, to start at 10.00am sharp. It is incredibly disruptive for the coaches if there is a drift in of, well it could have been up to 10 players this morning, between 10.00 and 10.20. It means we are constantly having to pull a coach out to get the kids warmed up and stretched, and what I may do moving forward, is if kids turn up after 1005, they can wait until 1030 when a coach will free him/herself up for warm up. I WON'T LET THEM PLAY WITHOUT BEING STRETCHED OFF AND WARMED UP, but with a limited number of coaches, neither will I hold back the kids who do arrive on time from getting on with it...

2) Surrey Festivals. Please reply to Pippa (cc myself) on availability for BOTH festivals. At the moment, I don't have enough to field a squad for either, so I'm not far from cancelling which would be awful. So please let us know then we can plan it in, and also get the required parental help to make the B festival (hosted by Camberley) happen. I also think it would be good if the A's, when we do select, can come and cheer on the B's, as we are at home, but we will sort that out later.

3) Mid-week Training. We are back training this Wednesday (7th) at Watchetts at 6.45pm. We did this before Xmas, and the sessions were invaluable. It's a great opportunity to do more skills work with the kids, and those who attended regularly last year, really seemed to push on tremendously well with their development. We shut down at 8pm. so in reality it's an extra hour for them.

Have a good week all, and see you either Wed for training or next Sunday for tie against Marlow!!


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