Sunday, October 28, 2007

Training - 28 Oct - Photos

Monday, October 22, 2007


You can now zoom in on regions to see who's viewing our blog, eg....
ClusterMaps U10 UK

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Training 21st Oct 07 - Photos

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New Blog & Photos

If you're reading this, you've successfully reached the Blog for Camberley RFC Under 10's (2007-08 season). This is actually the blog for last years U9 (continued), but given a new name: why not bookmark now and check back every week for updates.
The blog now has a new feature: ClustrMaps, which appears on the menu on the right. This shows the locations of people viewing our blog. So, send the link to your friends and family around the world - it'll be interesting to see who's reading...!

Last years photos of the Under 9's team have been uploaded here:

This years photos will appear here:

The above photo sites are snapshots of the age group for that year. Other teams will hopefully do the same thing, so you can look back at photos for a particular year.

Some techie stuff...
The photos for this year have been uploaded at a reduced size of 1280 x 853 pixels (approx 800KB each). That's probably good enough resolution to view & enjoy the photos. I've reduced these to save space (we're only allowed 1GB of free space on Picasa). The original photos are much larger at 3888 x 2592 (4 to 5MB each). NOTE: The Team Photos are all at Full Resolution.

Downloading photos / Ordering Prints
All the photos are downloadable. If you see a few photos you particularly like and would like them at full resolution, let me know & I'll email them to you, or post them somewhere temporary for you to download. You will notice an Order Prints button. This allows you to select a bunch of photos to order prints of. It's not as slick as it could be, but it can be done. Again, it's best to order prints at full resolution, so let me know & I'll upload them at full res for you to order prints of.

Any questions, drop me an email at (Jon McClelland).