Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Help needed: information about festivals which you need to read; training on 18th March


We are playing Windsor at home this weekend - should the deluge stop
deluging before then. Please be at Camberley for 9.50 registration. Check
voicemail/ email/ blog for announcements re cancellation if the pitches are

Voicemail: 0870 9009014 and follow instructions to hear any messages. The
code for our squad is 09



Mark Scarbrow and Steve Wilkes have volunteered for parking - thanks chaps


Mark Scarbrow needs final orders for tickets, and money by this Sunday at
latest - no money, no tickets. If you want/ need any more information,
please contact Mark:


Camberley RFC is hosting the Surrey Development Festival on Sunday 15th
April. The following week (22nd April) the Surrey A Festival is at Dorking.

The Development Festival is for B Teams (for those of you who didn't know).

There are 10 clubs participating, so it will go on all day

As we are the hosts for the 15th April, I shall need lots of help on that
day running the U9s part of the festival. (I will be there for the first
hour or so, but my youngest is five on the 15th, and I shall have to at
least turn-up at her party) We shall need a referee, first aid, parking
attendants, pitch marshals etc. and also someone bossy who can take over
from me. Please start thinking about whether you can help and what you can
do - I know it is during the Easter Hols, so some of you will be away. I
know ALSO that until the teams are picked help will be thin on the ground.
Please, therefore, let me know what your availability is for these dates.
No child can play in both festivals.

It will be £6.00 for each child to play in either festival and I will be
collecting the money over the next few weeks - again, if I haven't had the
money, your child will not be allowed to play. The club will be collecting
the money from me prior to the event - so I need an indication of numbers,
and your dosh.

If you're still with me - THANK YOU

CU on Sunday,



Monday, February 19, 2007

Sunday 18th v Drifters (and a question for you to answer!)

Hi all,
We had a really good session with Drifters on Sunday and I thought the match we played at the end was of as high quality as I've seen this season. Rucking, mauling, tackling, and some great open running and support play - I think the team is starting to do a lot of things naturally, as opposed to having to think to hard about everything, and that is a credit to them all.

We won the match 3-0, which was pretty much a fair reflection in the end. It could have been more had we not thrown possession away 2 or 3 times in the first half - one of the area the coaches want to work on as we progress.

I'd like to say a very big thanks to all the kids who volunteered to play with the Drifters boys yesterday - they were very low in numbers due to half term - and they are Ben (E), Josh, Harry, Cameron, and Robin. It was great to see (and commented on by Drifters) how well our boys integrated and played as a team with the Drifters lads, despite never having met them before. I don't think there is any higher accolade at this level, and please thank all those named above again from me - they are a credit to our club.

And now a question - We've had a bit of debate over the weekend about selection policy. This comes up regularly particularly around the "A" and "B" situation. I'd like to think we've almost cracked this one, and I believe that almost all our regular boys have had a run out with both A and B teams at one point or another throughout the season (but feel free to comment).

The question now is more around positions. As a rule, we are trying to teach the kids the basics of rugby in an open, enjoyable and above all, safe environment. To do this, we watch the kids through all skills sessions, how they have developed, how they play in games and then give them positions where they can excel and we can meet the main objective above.

I do think as we progress, we want the kids to get exposed to a variety of positions, but I would say we need to be realistic in our expectations - I'm not sure if we trained every day for the next 3 months, that every child would understand every position!!
But again, I want this to be fun, so (and after all this wind) here is the question...

Are you / your child happy with this policy and indeed the positon they are playing or do you/they have a burning desire to be positioned somewhere else?? Keep it simple! If you have a child who is constantly in the backs but fancies a run out in the forwards, that's the kind of thing I'd like to know.

It's only by getting input from you that we can make these decisions, or at least have the debate as coaches and parents. I expect from the lack of feedback (and that's not a dig) that most are happy, but if you have something you would like us to act on, please shout. One thing I would bear in mind as you think on this, is that I believe our progress as a team is a lot down to "consistency and continuity" and doing the basics well - if we make a lot of moves, we should also think about the risks to these values. I do think that nearly all the kids seem to be really happy with their positions and what we are doing, but that's not to say they are not a little shy about raising their hand! For what it's worth, I don't think it would be feasible to accomodate complete change if all kids / parents wanted to do so, it would be chaos if we did! But I do want to hear your thoughts and happy to discuss on an individual basis with parents or children.

Hope all makes sense - sorry for long note!!

Best always,

Scott Hamilton
Tel: +44 7795 332251 (m)<

Saturday, February 10, 2007

URGENT: Matches and training cancelled at Watchetts this Sunday

PSA note from the club - ALL TRAINING CANCELLED!!
Dear All

As most of you are already aware Surrey Heath Borough Council have decided
that the pitches at Watchetts Recreation Ground are unplayable this weekend.

I would emphasise that despite the pitches being unavailable, the clubhouse
will be open for big screen live internationals on Saturday and for normal
Sunday trading.

Don't forget to update your answerphone messages. I will also put a message
on the website.