Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Availability for Sunday

Hi everyone,

We are playing at home this Sunday 4th February against Esher.


could you let me know whether your child is available to play

could we have two volunteers for parking duty (you need to be at the club
house at 9 am and be available to help with parking until 10.15-ish)

I'll see you at the ground at about 9.50am for registration.

Don't forget to check the voicemail before you leave in case there has been
any last minute cancellations or alterations.

The voicemail number is 0870 9009014 and follow instructions to hear any
messages. The code for our squad is 09.

You can also check the blog:

if that's

Look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


01252 871215
07899 671749

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sun 21st: Home v Farnham

(click on title for photos)
Big well done to everyone for excellent all round performances against Farnham on Sunday. To put this into context, Farnham is one of our traditional hammerings as a club, and talking to one or two of the coaches on Sunday, it was business-as-usual for most. We have never competed well in our age group against them, and for information, they have NEVER lost a festival they have competed in at this age group!

* Our A team lost 0-2 to their A, beat their B 4-1, then drew with their A 1-1 (and they cut the game short when we were on top
* Our B team lost 1-3 to their A, beat their B 3-2, then beat their C 4-2.

So as you can see we really stood up well to their A team, then beat all the rest!

A couple of points;
* Winning isn't everything, but I'm delighted (as are all the coaches) that we have come on so much and are really competing with the best
* I am more pleased that we have real balance in our squads - if you look at the scores, we have real strength in depth and it is great that we don't have a real gap between teams, far from it (unlike Farnham and a few others who have a strong preference for A and B!

Re: Training. you will have seen from Pippa's note that Wed night training is on hold until end Feb. As well as it being cold and miserable, there is just too much uncertainty at the moment due to pitch conditions etc., and I want to maintain the momentum with the kids - constant disruption and cancellation leads to disappointment, which I want to try and avoid for now.

Cheers, Scott.

Chipstead RFC on Sun 28th

We're playing at Chipstead RFC on Sun 28th
Training starts at 10 a.m, but please try to be there by 9.50 a.m for registration.

Address: The Meads, High Road, Chipstead, Surrey. CR5 3SB
For those without Sat-Nav: Google Map directions (Click 'To here' for directions from your house)

Warning: Check the voicemail for possible last minute cancellations! 0870 9009014 - code 09

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wed 17th Jan - Cancelled

Training canceled due to water logging (again).
Please email Pippa ( to let her know you:
- are aware of tonight's cancellation
- whether you'll be there on Sunday (21st)

Please check blog & voice mail on Sunday as it may be canceled too (if this weather keeps up!)
0870 9009014 and follow instructions to hear any messages.  The code for our squad is 09.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sun 7th Jan - Training cancelled

Training is canceled because the pitches are waterlogged!

We WILL be training on Wednesday (10th) at 6.45pm. Should this change, an email will be sent on Wednesday, this blog updated and also updated the voicemail message. Please check the voicemail message before leaving home on 0870 9009014 and follow instructions to hear any messages. The code for our squad is 09.